Here come the spooks!

New scares are here! Beyond the Wail, now available on Amazon
Beyond the Wail, now available on Amazon

The day is here, friends and neighbors. Beyond the Wail, a Paranormal Anthology, has finally arrived on Amazon. Prepare to be creeped, crawled, and entertained right out of your skulls as 12 authors – including yours truly – tell some Halloween tales you have never heard before.

Grab your copy today in paperback or on Kindle. Free for Kindle Unlimited! And watch my Notes for goodies all through the month. We launch tomorrow, friends! There is a whole month of new characters, authors, and prizes coming your way.

Don’t miss the Rafflecopter Giveaway or the Book Release Blog Tour from now through the end of the month. Also, watch my Notes for new characters, new author spotlights, and our new best friend, Aunt Betty. It’s going to be a great month!

Goodreads | Amazon | Blog Tour | Rafflecopter

About gingercmann

Ginger C. Mann is a poet, musician, and software developer. A Texas artist, she enjoys writing for and about other Texans. Her song, “River Night”, premiered on October 12, 2013 in North Austin. During that same weekend, her first short story, “China Doll,” began selling on Writing for Xchyler Publishing, she collaborates with Scott E. Tarbet, who features her poetry in his steampunk novels, "A Midsummer night's Steampunk." Ginger also enjoys occasional narrative nonfiction, and loves to meet and describe great new characters, both real and imagined.

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