The Ghosts of Halloween Past

Oh my word, has it really been two years?

Xchyler Publishing, Paranormal Anthology, 2013. Shades and Shadows. Wow! What a book. Let’s see . . . scare? Check. Spooky? Check. Ooga-booga? You bet, the creep-out factor is enormous. New, hot talent? Check, check, check! It’s that time of year, book fans. Grab a $3.99 book deal and rev up your October scare factor.

Need some incentive? Check this excellent video on YouTube.

Remember, everybody? Remember that day I said, “This is it, I’m publishing!” All right, if you don’t, I do. I was pushed by fellow author, Scott E. Tarbet, and now I’m hooked. I love paranormal, I love fantasy, and I love my friends and fellow writers at Xchyler Publishing. The future is bright and more great stories are coming!

Watch for new scares in the 2015 Paranormal Antholgy, Beyond the Wail. Until then, why wait for a great thrill at an equally great price? Grab a copy of Shades and Shadows today.

About gingercmann

Ginger C. Mann is a poet, musician, and software developer. A Texas artist, she enjoys writing for and about other Texans. Her song, “River Night”, premiered on October 12, 2013 in North Austin. During that same weekend, her first short story, “China Doll,” began selling on Writing for Xchyler Publishing, she collaborates with Scott E. Tarbet, who features her poetry in his steampunk novels, "A Midsummer night's Steampunk." Ginger also enjoys occasional narrative nonfiction, and loves to meet and describe great new characters, both real and imagined.

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